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The Most Wearable Trends Worth Trying for Spring

Although the weather outside is still quite chilly (not to mention the forcast shows a “wintry mix”), Spring is right around the corner and that means putting away those heavy sweaters and getting out your jean shorts. What are you supposed to do with all of those clothes that you have not worn for a year? Well, mix them up using the trends below…

Color Blocking:

Examples of color-blocking

This video on how to color-block is very helpful

*Tip: Stick to using just 3 colors to avoid the so called rainbow effect

Bold Prints:

Whether it is in a skirt, top, or scarf, this trend is one of the most versatile.

Oranges and Tangerines:

I love the idea of bright colors for Spring…you have to stand out against all of those blooming flowers after all!


Bright yet subdued, I am looking forward to trying this trend the most. The color trends are the easiest because they are so easy to incorporate.


Classic and chic, how could you go wrong?

I love these metallic sandals from DSW. It just shows you how easy the trend is to follow.

I am going to be posting some outfit ideas soon to demonstrate the following trends. I hope that this post was helpful. Have a great Saturday!